RNA World (beta)

RNA World (beta) needs donations

The RNA World (beta) project needs donations to cover the BOINC project server (bandwidth and traffic) costs. Please support us and donate!

About RNA World (beta)

RNA World (beta) is a distributed supercomputer that uses Internet-connected computers to advance RNA-related research. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Important information for users with VirtualBox installed

Important information for users with VirtualBox installed

If you have VirtualBox installed on your computer and participate in this project please note:

  • in order to get tasks your CPU needs to have virtualisation capabilities (AMD-v or VT-x)
  • those virtualisation capabilities need to be enabled in your BIOS settings or all tasks will error out
  • Some tasks are incompatible with newer VirtualBox versions:
    If you have 1.15 or earlier tasks, you must use VirtualBox 4.3.x or earlier.
    If you have 1.17 tasks, you must use VirtualBox 5.0.x or earlier.
    If you have 1.18 tasks, you may use VirtualBox 5.1.x.
    If you have 1.19 tasks, you may use VirtualBox 5.2.x.
  • a BOINC client of at least 7.2.33 is recommended
  • The runtime of the cmsearch VM apps are very long (>1000 hours) and deadlines are automatically extended but only visible on the website!
If you don't want to get work for the VM application please disable "cmsearch VM" in your project preferences.

What is RNA World (beta)?

RNA World (beta) is based at the Rechenkraft.net e.V. research facility located in Germany.

Join RNA World (beta)

User of the Day

User profile Profile c303a
Former new car salesperson and pilot for oil company. Now retired. No job. No money. No worries. Member of Team Seti.USA.


Happy new year!
Happy new year to all our contributers!

Allen Projektunterstützern wünschen wir ein frohes neues Jahr!

1 Jan 2024, 18:09:11 UTC · Discuss

Best wishes for 2023
We hope you all managed to celebrate a nice christmas season. Happy new year!

Wir hoffen, dass ihr alle ein schönes Weihnachtsfest feiern konntet. Frohes neues Jahr!

7 Jan 2023, 23:38:34 UTC · Discuss

Server update & migration
Just as a note in advance: There will be an RNA World server update coming up combined by migration of the entire server infrastructure to a new machine by 31st of December at the latest.

Eine kurze Vorabmeldung: Wir werden bis spätestens 31. Dezember ein umfassendes RNA World Serverupdate durchführen und die gesamte Serverinfrastruktur auf eine neue Maschine migrieren.

15 Oct 2021, 12:46:08 UTC · Discuss

Happy New Year!
The RNA World team wishes all of you a happy, healthy and successful new year - and thanks a lot for your continued support.

Das RNA World Team wünscht euch allen ein frohes, gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr - und bedankt sich für eure kontinuierliche Projektunterstützung.

1 Jan 2021, 10:52:43 UTC · Discuss

Merry Christmas
Despite this years somewhat difficult circumstances, the RNA World team wishes all of you a happy christmas season.

Das RNA World Team wünscht allen RNA World Unterstützern ein gemütliches Weihnachtsfest - trotz der diesjährig eher widrigen Gesamtumstände. Lasst es euch gut gehen.

25 Dec 2020, 12:29:51 UTC · Discuss

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