RNA World (beta)

RNA World (beta) needs donations

The RNA World (beta) project needs donations to cover the BOINC project server (bandwidth and traffic) costs. Please support us and donate!

Posts by (retired account)

1) Message boards : News : new Applications using VirtualBox released (Message 340)
Posted 10 Nov 2013 by Profile (retired account)
Thanks for the info. I was using 7.2.24 since end of October on one PC and it showed some odd behaviour when tasks were in high priority, as it used not all of the available threads. With RNA World you can easily get into high priority when workunits are extended server-sided but the client BM still has the 'old' due date. Updated today to 7.2.28, let's see how it works. :)

Btw, I just noticed there are new VM apps available since yesterday (I guess they include the new wrapper?). However, apparently Christian has not switched workunit creation back on yet.

Me has 50 days of unfinished VM tasks currently plus one finished and credited. :)

Good luck everybody!
2) Message boards : News : new Applications using VirtualBox released (Message 334)
Posted 23 Oct 2013 by Profile (retired account)
This is issue has already been discussed in the german part of the RNA World forum. ChristianB told us that he can only set one fixed value server-sided for all users.

You can use an app_config.xml file to limit the number of concurrent workunits. (see Berkeley link here: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/ClientAppConfig). Just create this file with your favourite texteditor and drop it into the project data directory, which would be \ProgramData\BOINC\projects\www.rnaworld.de_rnaworld\ for a typical Windows pc.




  • Make sure you don't create a file named app_config.xml.txt
  • The project data directory is per default 'hidden' in Windows
  • BOINC v. 7.0.40 or higher is required. With BOINC v. 7.0.54 or higher you can load the new config values without stopping the BOINC manager (see Advanced / Read config files)
  • If you want to run other subprojects, you have to add them to the above listed content of the file with another app section
  • The app_config.xml should not be confused with the app_info.xml for anonymous platforms