RNA World (beta)

RNA World (beta) needs donations

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CMC only, for a while...

Message boards : News : CMC only, for a while...
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Profile Michael H.W. Weber
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Message 119 - Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 16:40:32 UTC
Last modified: 15 Feb 2010, 16:43:55 UTC

Well, the current test sets of CMS work units are near completion and we will now have to wait until all CMC WUs are done as well before we can go for the real big hunt. Since currently only Linux x64 systems can be served, this might take a few days, so I would suggest that meanwhile you guys add another project to your BOINC manager if you have not done so already. It is of course possible (and even likely) that I will submit new sets of CMS WUs for other OS inbetween but first I need to take a deep look into all the nice things we have produced already.
Please stay tuned, you all have done an excellent job so far. ;-)
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Message boards : News : CMC only, for a while...